Zombie hamlet full movie
Zombie hamlet full movie

“All of the Danes have trouble identifying the zombies because they tend to walk, talk, and act like Norwegians. “The script includes such lines as "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are not dead - they're UNDEAD!" “With his mother, Gertrude, crouching before him in fear, Hamlet finds himself in the perfect position "to give service to my Queen." “The word "dude" creeps into numerous scenes. “Hamlet's friend Horatio is the hysterical right-hand man who must always do the Prince's dirty work. Having convinced himself that no enemy could kill an army that's already dead, he's the only one who holds the virus's antidote, which he carries around in a test tube. “Claudius is a corporate weasel who has been experimenting with a zombie virus. Zombies takes liberty with the original text of Shakespeare’s tragedy: George Haymont, writing for Huffington Post, summed up several ways Hamlet vs. Hamlet, along with his trusted sidekick Horatio, fight in a race against the clock to stop Claudius' out of control experiment before it's too late and Denmark is overrun by the walking dead. Or it would have know how these zombies are.brains on the brains. No opposing force in the world could destroy an army that's already dead. This spoof of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, written by Jeff Jenkins and Bryant Turnage, roughly follows the plot of Hamlet, but with a “zombie film twist.”Ĭlaudius, brother to the King, has developed a plan to usurp the throne of Denmark and finally deal with their pesky Norwegian neighbors: kill the King, seize the crown.and then bring him and his soldiers back as zombies.

zombie hamlet full movie

Zombies: Something is rotting in the state of Denmark. Springfield Contemporary Theatre (SCT) brings what Huffington Post calls “Inspired lunacy” to their stage with a production of Hamlet vs.

zombie hamlet full movie

Spoof of Shakespeare’s Hamlet ‘comes to life’

Zombie hamlet full movie